Jumat, 12 September 2014

Robotic Super model with no tantrums to hit the ramp at Tokyo Fashion Week

HRP-4C Model Robot

It really does seem that the future belongs to robots. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has created the HRP-4C model robot. And by this we mean a runway model robot. Can you imagine the legs on a robot like this? They might be plastic and hot, but needed quite a lot of effort. It seems that it’s hard to even keep robots thin, so imagine the agony us humans go through. The robot weighs 95lb and apparently this is barely just average. This must mean I’m a giant then. One thing they’ve gotten wrong is the expression, it’s a constant look of surprise which doesn’t go with the model image. Each HRP-4C costs about $200,000 which is quite a sum. You can catch this ‘hottie’ making a debut at the Tokyo Fashion Week. Super model robots are here. What’s next?
support by V-Soft System

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